From our Facebook Post:
October 15, 2017
MESL was very proud to host the Andy Wilson Tournament this year.
Congratulations to all of our city teams from Manchester North Soccer League, Manchester Junior Soccer League West - MJSLW, Manchester South Junior Soccer League, and Manchester East Soccer League for their well-fought battles to win the Andy Wilson City Championship this past weekend.
Congratulations again to Manchester South's U19 (Kenyon Lawn & Property), Manchester North's U14 (Stephen Law Group), and Manchester South's U12 (Levasseur Electric) for taking home this year's Andy Wilson Trophy!
Thank you to everyone for their great sportsmanship and camaraderie! We would also like to thank each league for their unbelievable support of Manchester East -- be it in the form of great donations toward our concession stand or the offers to help pick up trash -- we truly felt like we were all "part of the team" this weekend. We believe the players, coaches, families and, volunteers did Mr. Wilson very proud this weekend!